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Monday, December 20, 2010


Just want to remind you that there is only 10 days left to vote on the podcasts, video, etc. poll, so if you havent already voted, please do, so we can see w hat you guys want to see on the site. Also, PLEASE, people that follow this blog regularly, tell ALL YOUR FRIENDS about it so we can get more popular. If you arent already a follower, you can become one by looking on the sidebar and scroll down until you see the followers list, and you can click "follow this blog". Also, we are still maybe going to have the percy jackson christmas video(s), but we might not with our busy lives, so stay in tuned to us and see! Have a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you-Britanie Huffman

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Side Bar

Make sure to look at the side bar of this page and check out the polls, quizzes, and other fun stuff. By the way if you are a HUGE FAN of this blog, please comment and become a follower. We would really, really appreciate it. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This Christmas we are going to have a video named the 12 days of Camp Half Blood. It is going to have christmas songs changed to tell about percy jackson and other songs and rhymes!!! This is probably going to be the best video we have had on this blog, so you'd better check the blog!!! We can't wait see ya!!!!!!!!!

- Lexy